
Programme commemorating the Battle of Arnhem

New: experience in the Eusebius Church tower

Through a new permanent experience in the tower of the Eusebius Church – open from September 2019 – the destruction of the tower during the Second World War and its reconstruction becomes clear and tangible.

A permanent presentation from 6 September

Historical film images, unique (colour) photos, and animations allow the visitor to experience what the tower went through in those years. The story is told through the eyes of two historical witnesses: the fire watch and the church sexton.

The experience is part of a series of museum presentations in the Eusebius Church under the title “Stories from the Eusebius”. The presentations in the tower tell not only the story of the destruction of the tower and the church (1st floor), but also that of the reconstruction (6th, 7th and 8th floors). In the church hall the focus is on the unique remains underneath the church and the tomb of Karel Van Egmond, the famous Duke of Gelre, and his significance in the struggle for regional independence and the rise of the Netherlands. Realization: 2019 (tower) and 2020 (church hall, treasury and crypt).

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Arnhem Museum in the Eusebius Church

In September and October, the Eusebius Church forms the backdrop for an impressive exhibition commemorating the Battle of Arnhem.


An extensive video installation by the Spanish artist Cristina Lucas, purchased last year by Museum Arnhem, shows all the air wars that have been fought in the world – and are still being fought – since the first use of air power in 1912. De Mix ‘Stilte’ (Silence) is a project by the Arnhem photographer Suzanne Valkenburg which translates photos from historic Arnhem into the here and now. The historical photos are those of Pieter de Booys who captured the city during the evacuation of Arnhem and the years after in which normal life was restored. De Mix ‘Stilte’ is a project from the Beeldmix Foundation and Museum Arnhem in collaboration with the Eusebius Church Arnhem.

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Educational exhibition of the Battle of Arnhem

The impressive and moving results of a studentproject can be seen from 8 September to 27 October 2019 in the Eusebius Church.

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In the spring of this year, more than 400 primary and secondary school students participated in the “Arnhem van Slag” (Arnhem under fire) project. They spoke with 32 different eyewitnesses who were children during the Battle of Arnhem. They then processed all their impressions and knowledge into poems and visual work.

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A series of tower concerts

A series of seven carillon concerts, performed by carillonneurs from countries involved in the Battle of Arnhem. A carillonneur from Germany, England, Poland and the Netherlands. Their countrymen fought at Arnhem and now, 75 years later, they act as representatives.


4 July
Bob van der Linde (Holland)
Sebastiaan Haverkate and Sander Beens (trumpet)

18 July
Trevor Workman (England)

1 August
Monika Kaźmierczak (Poland), with electronic music

15 August
Roy Kroezen (Holland/America)

29 August
Toru Takao (Germany)

12 September
Stefano Colletti (France)

19 September
Bob van der Linde (final concert)

The concerts start at 20:00 hrs in the outdoor hall on the roof of Focus Film Theatre (Audrey Hepburnplein 1, Arnhem). Entry is free although you do need to reserve seats: free tickets are available via . Doors open from 19:30 hrs. There is a short introduction to each program from 19:45 hrs. After the concert, there is a meet and greet with the musicians.

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The Night of the Eusebius

After its successful premiere in 2016, a new edition of The Night of the Eusebius (De Nacht van de Eusebius) will be held in September. This is a multimedia event in the Eusebius Church about the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944, the evacuation, and the resurrection of the city in the years after the Second World War.

Two performances will be held featuring video, music, dance, and theatre – building bridges between the present and the past, between Arnhem and the rest of the world, and between generations. Personal stories from the past run synchronised with personal stories from the present. They are stories told by people from Arnhem who have seen the war here, but also stories from children and young people who have recently fled war. The eyes of these witnesses make it clear that war is not tied to one moment and place, but that it is always and everywhere. There are always victims, there are always survivors, and there is always the resilience of people who want to start their lives again.

The events are being organised by the Rotary Club of Arnhem in collaboration with the De Nieuwe Oost production house, Rotaract Arnhem Centrum, and the Eusebius Arnhem foundation.

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